S | Seimens | A unit of electrical conductance named after German Ernst Werner von Siemens (thanks for the correction, Dr. Bill!) |
S-PARAMETERS | scattering matrix parameters | The most commonly used descriptors of a microwave n-port network. See also our page on SNP (S-parameters for n-port networks). |
SAG | self-aligned gate | -- |
SAR | synthetic aperture radar | -- |
SAS | suspended air stripline | -- |
SATCOM | satellite communications | Not an acronym, satcom is a portmanteau. |
SAW | surface acoustic wave | A phenomenon where electrical energy is converted to a physical displacement on the surface of a solid, similar to a sound wave. |
SC | short circuit | Opposite of open circuit. |
SDR | software-defined radio | -- |
SEM | scanning electron microscope | A great toy for seeing stuff smaller than a wavelength of light (<~1 micron). |
SFDR | spurious-free dynamic range | A measure of the range of amplitudes that a receiver can process. |
SHM | Sub-harmonic mixer | A mixer that internally multiplies the LO signal, usually 2X |
SI | semi-insulating | As in a GaAs wafer that has no semiconductor grown on it. |
SIC | silicon carbide | One of the possible wafers for growing gallium nitride devices (others include silicon, sapphire, and diamond). |
SIGE | silicon germanium | The great white hope of major silicon IC manufacturers for microwave devices (notably IBM). |
SILC | stress induced leakage current | -- |
SINAD | signal plus noise plus distortion, to noise plus distortion ratio | This is a new one on us! |
SIR | signal to interference ratio | -- |
SIT | static induction transistor | A new microwave semiconductor device with a buried gate. |
SIW | substrate integrated waveguide | A way to make dielectrically-loaded transmission lines on a single-layer substrate. |
SLC | single-layer cap | Capacitor usually used in chip-and-wire construction, has excellent microwave properties. |
SMA | subminiature type A | A ubiquitous microwave connector. |
SMD | surface mount device | As opposed to a "through-hole" device. |
SMMIC | sub-millimeterwave MMIC | A MMIC component that performs above 300 GHz. |
SMT | surface mount technology | When parts are soldered to the top surface of a board, without leads soldering into through-holes. Generally, all microwave PWBs use SMT because it offers better impedance control. |
SNA | scalar network analyzer | Used to measure return loss and gain, magnitude only. |
SNAFU | situation normal, all f**ed up | One of two excellent acronyms that are the legacy of the greatest generation (see fubar). |
SNF | Spherical near field | A type of antenna measurement |
SNR | signal-to-noise ratio | -- |
SOA | safe operating area | The combination of voltage, current, and temperature where you don't blow up your expensive power transistor. |
SOD | source-over-drain | A layout option for multi-finger power FETs. |
SOG | source-over-gate | A layout option for multi-finger power FETs. |
SOI | second-order intercept | -- |
SOIC | small outline integrated circuit | A type of package |
SOLT | short-open-load-through | A type of network measurement calibration. |
SOT | small outline transistor | A type of package |
SOTA | sate-of-the-art | Perhaps one of the most overused acronyms in engineering. |
SOW | statement of work | In a contract, a list of the stuff you have to do to get paid. |
SP3T | single-pole, three throw | A switch with one input and three outputs, or vice-versa. |
SPC | statistical process control | -- |
SPDT | single-pole, double throw | A switch with one input and two outputs, or vice-versa. |
SPI | Serial peripheral interface | Commonly used to send data from a controller to a peripheral |
SPST | single-pole, single throw | The simplest possible switch. |
SRF | Self-resonant frequency | A parameter that you need to specify when you order lumped element components. |
SRR | split ring resonator | A technique used to realize metamaterials. |
SS | small-signal | Low-enough power level where linear operation is assured. |
SSB | single-sideband | A type of receiver or downconverter that eliminates one sideband. |
SSG | small-signal gain | Output power divided by input power, at a signal level that does not compress the gain. |
SSMA | sub-subminiature type A | A rarely used type of microwave connector. |
SSPA | solid-state power amplifier | -- |
STALO | stable local oscillator | -- |
STAR | simultaneous transmit and receive | -- |
STC | sensitivity time control | Another way to say "gain control". Thanks to Frank! |
STE | special test equipment | Dedicated test equipment for a high-value job. |
SUV | small unit verification | -- |
SWAG | scientific wild-assed guess | Slightly more accurate than a WAG. Thanks to Doug! |
SWAP | size, weight and power | -- |
SWAP-C | size, weight and power and cost | -- |
SWAPP | size, weight and PowerPoint | Yes, we made this up. |
SWR | standing wave ratio | An arcane way of specifying impedance mismatches, dating back to the old days when the old guys used standing wave meters because they didn't have network analyzers. You'll still hear people talking about "2:1 VSWR over all phase angles" instead of 10dB r |